1 – The Magician

Hello, and welcome to the second installment of my 78 Days of Tarot series! We’ve got one down, so let’s see if we can keep things going strong. Today’s card is The Magician!

:seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

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**Illustration by Stephanie Davidson**


The Magician is a card of competence and the power that comes with it. The Magician has learned skills that he can now perform so effortlessly that they appear to be magick. He is also a card of new beginnings, and the fruits of one’s labors.

:seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

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**Illustration by Pamela Coleman Smith, from the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck**

Imagery Analysis

[This analysis is specific to the Rider Waite Smith tarot deck.]

In the center of this card stands The Magician, wearing a red robe overtop a white one, and pointing with one hand up and one down. The white robe can symbolize a purity similar to that which we see in The Fool. Unlike The Fool, though, The Magician has the red robe of experience. He has retained his pureness, but not for a lack of knowledge. This duality can also be seen reflected in the flowers below him, which are a mixture of white lilies and red roses.

The Magician’s hands suggest his understanding of the phrase, “As above, so below.” He has an understanding of the larger picture of things, and the interconnectedness between them.

This is further emphasized by the lemniscate (∞) above his head, which symbolizes the infinite possibilities that his actions create. Similarly, an ouroboros rests around The Magician’s waist— another symbol for eternity.

Finally, we see the images of all four minor arcana suits on the table in front of the Magician. They are at his disposal, and he has mastered the use of all of them. The Magician very clearly understands the circumstances of his life, and uses them to culminate his desires.

:seedling: :seedling: :seedling:

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**gif  from Disney’s The Sword in The Stone**

Basic Meanings

Each card can mean a number of different things depending on the situation and cards around it, but I’d like to list some basic bullet-points here.

:rose: The ability to manifest your desires

:four_leaf_clover: Competence

:rose: The application of your skills

:four_leaf_clover: Using your existing resources

:rose: Finding creative solutions

:four_leaf_clover: Concentration and commitment

:rose: Control over your life

:four_leaf_clover: Connecting your inner and outer worlds

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**gif by Saint of Eyes**

Basic Reversal Meanings

Not everyone uses reversed cards in their readings, but I personally do, and figured they’d be important to add to this post. Reversals aren’t always negative, though the basic meanings presented may come off as such.

:rose: Deception and trickery— a master of illusion

:four_leaf_clover: Time to implement changes

:rose: Obsession with power

:four_leaf_clover: Abuse of power

:rose: Out of touch with reality

:four_leaf_clover: Talents and resources that aren’t being utilized

:rose: Not allowing talents/skills to grow

:four_leaf_clover: A need to reassess the situation— something is not as you think it is

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Bored Cabin Fever GIF

**gif from Wallace and Gromit**

Resources and Further Reading

:herb: BiddyTarot- The Magician

:hibiscus: Keen – The Magician Tarot Card

:herb: Labryinthos- The Magician Meaning

:hibiscus: PsychicRevelation- The Magician Meanings

:herb: Trusted Tarot- The Magician

:hibiscus: TeachMeTarot – The Magician (I)

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